When Condo Boards Deny Rentals in Miami
When Condo boards deny rentals in Miami and Broward County, they should be aware of specific requirements prescribed under county ordinances. Condo boards regularly perform background checks on prospective rental or sales applicants. Background checks are an important part of the tenant screening process. Since 2013, when Condo boards deny rentals in Miami, the association is required to provide notification in writing. The ordinances affect rentals, condominiums, homeowner associations and coops in Miami Dade and Broward Counties. Palm Beach County has not passed the ordinance.
Miami and Broward County ordinances
The ordinances require condo and coop associations, community associations and homeowners associations in Miami and Broward County to provide the applicant with written notice within 15 days after receipt of an incomplete application. The notice needs to identify the items that need to be corrected. Within 45 days after receipt of a correctly completed application, the condominium association, homeowners association, or coop association should provide written notice indicating rejection or approval of the application. If the application is rejected, the written notice must state the reason for the rejection. If a condominium association, homeowners association, or coop in Miami or Broward County does not comply with these ordinances, the County Human Rights Section may send a letter detailing their demands. When Condo boards deny rentals in Miami and Broward it is very important to understand the regulations and be aware of the deadlines.
FCRA Requirements
Denying lease applications in Miami during the tenant screening process is also regulated by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). When community associations and condominium associations are denying lease applications, the FCRA requires notice to be provided to the applicant. These notices include a Pre-Adverse Action Notice and an Adverse Action Notice. The timing is important. The Federal Trade Commission provides lots of information.
Adverse Action Notices
Most Florida tenant screening companies can provide sample copies of the adverse action notices. And most Florida tenant screening companies will be aware of the regulations. At Applycheck, these notices are built into our web based system and can be automatically sent to the applicants. When researching Florida tenant screening services, you may ask if they use a web based system and inquire about the capabilities of the system. The best Florida tenant screening companies will be able to provide information and resources to assist community associations, homeowner associations, condos and coops with adherence to these provisions.