Florida international background checks



Florida international background checks image

In Florida international background checks are an important part of tenant screening for property managers and homeowner associations.  Recent studies indicate nearly 20% of Florida residents are immigrants.  In addition, the growth in the foreign born population was nearly 40% between the years 2000-2010.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 16.5% of the U.S. workforce was foreign born in 2014.  Information about the changes in our labor force can be found in the Current Population Survey.  Due to the prevalence of foreign born applicants, it is important to include an international background check when evaluating a foreign born applicant for your homeowner association or condominium association.

Florida International Background Checks

International background checks can be provided for most countries.  Turnaround times vary per country and can take anywhere from 2 to 30 days.  Most international background checks can be provided within 5 to 10 days.  In South Florida, some of the most requested countries are Argentina, Brazil, Russia and Venezuela. The turnaround time for Brazil is 6-8 days, Venezuela is 7-10 days, Russia is 15 to 21 days, while Argentina can take 30 days to complete.

Limitations International Background Check

One of the greatest weaknesses of an international background check is the limited scope of any particular jurisdiction. Normally, there is no national source for criminal records. In most nations, each city, state, or province must be searched to determine if a criminal history exists. Each jurisdiction also has its own rules and regulations as to how records are kept.  Most international background checks only cover a period of two to three years.

Challenges Applicant Identification

The researcher also has the challenge of identifying if the applicant has been involved in a case. If an applicant has a common name, the researcher may find many cases that need to be reviewed. Once a case has been identified, the case information must be properly compiled into a report for the customer.

Limited Scope International Jurisdictions

Including an international background check search will provide more information about your applicant and allow you to make an informed decision.  Searching a foreign born applicant’s history is an important part of a comprehensive tenant screening.  Due to the limited scope of any particular international jurisdiction, choices must be made to determine which jurisdictions to search.

